Saturday, May 12, 2012

Band-Aid the Broken

God amazes me.

I have a vivid mind and oftentimes that is how He speaks to me, through colorful images.

As many of you know, I lost my daughter Shiloh in December, and my heart broke. I felt like it was split wide open, aching and bleeding. Four months later, my sister lost her first baby. I felt my heart’s wound widen and the pain grow deeper.

In that pain I journaled:
   Surviving a Broken Heart
   The news comes so unexpectedly
   At first all is well, then ends in tragedy
   To lose a life so small it seems
   Unfair with all the sorrow it brings
   How can a heart survive the blow
   That grief drives in so deep, so low
   It filters through the body and more
   The spirit, the soul, they all feel sore
   Lord mend the wound that bleeds inside
   Send peace and grace into my mind
   I can’t walk this journey alone
   I need your help to make me strong

A few nights ago, I lie in bed thanking God for helping and healing me through the heartbreak of the last five months, and He showed me an incredible picture.

I saw my heart with a jagged wound down the middle, but pulling the wound closed was a big pink “Hello Kitty” Band-Aid. I could tell the wound wasn’t bleeding anymore and that it was sealing shut with the help of the Band-Aid.

A memory flashed through my mind of me as a child repeatedly falling off my bike and scraping my knees. I’d come into the house crying. My knees would hurt so bad. They’d be torn up and bleeding. Dad or Mom would rub my back and tell me it’s going to be okay. They’d wash away the blood, put on triple-antibiotic ointment, apply a Band-Aid, and place a kiss on the boo-boo and say, “All Better.”

This is what Father God did for me.

I came to Him with my torn heart. He looked at the wound and said, “It’s going to be okay.” He wiped away my tears and rubbed my back. Then He washed the wound clean with His love. He applied a potent triple antibiotic salve of peace and covered the wound with a Band-Aid. Placing a kiss on the boo-boo, He says, “It will heal.”

Thank you Lord.
Thank you that you Band-Aid the broken hearts.
I put my trust in you.
My heart is safe in Your hands.

Thanks Daddy, I’m feeling much better.